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Civil Engineering and Surveying


Cedra Corporation

POND is used in the analysis/design of storm detention ponds. Inputconsists of inflow hydrograph, stage-storage relationship, low-flowdischarge structure type, spillway type, maximum desirable outflow,accuracy required, units of measure, and type of calculation. Outflowstructures may include orifices, various weir shapes, and culverts.Options allow certain input data to be entered through interface withTOPOMAP, CEDRA, or SEWERS. A variety of built-in spillways and low-flowoutlets provide a wide flexibility in design. Provision for multipleruns with reduced input is available. If dimensions of outflowstructures or maximum water surface elevations are not given, they willbe designed.Although POND's primary purpose is the routing of storm flows, theinclusion of culverts as outlet structures allows it to be used as an aidto highway culvert design. Given a bottom shape, the program has theability to design the required pond.Inflow hydrographs may be generated by SEWERS, TR-20, or TR-55. Detentionponds may be singular or in-series.

Language: FORTRAN-77
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Cedra Corporation
65 W Broad St 7th Floor
Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: (716) 232-6998
Fax: (716) 262-2042